The Hidden Deus Shrek Ending Message.

I was played DUES EXE, and then I actiated paul newline while in a secrot area. this is what he siad to me.
It happened.
swagmoney approced my doorstep
The Domens tryied to eated me.
I didn't let them.
bang. pew. deado.
Grammar struck me from behied.
I qucikly tryied to use reinstall, but only thing was fish
fish atei chesse
I gave up, and closed the door.
Then suddenly- swagmoney was inside my house.
I told him, How? you are the only link to the Illmairtet.
He said. Fool, I am more than a link to the past. but the future. we all are. We think we know whats going to happen, but really it snenks up behind us and teaches us a lesson. A real good lesson.
I responded, how is the story?
he said
Im a machine to you. A Fax.Im not going to give you anwsers unlse I see wagcash
dont do it
Steven Vanners: Your killing my phone battery, I'm turning off notifications to read this after my dinner
Good... he said
my fanfic is complete.
I said, how
theres no caharters
then he said
Yes, JC. there are.
I looked down and saw that I was Dentoid.
He laughed, untill I got the Bobpage blues.
It was happening again. I was seeing things. The randomness.
Sandwich Other was qucikly stabbing the airport, and he couldn't siwm away.
I went with it. There was no stopping it.
Untill something real happends.
Grammer struck me in the behind.
I spelled correctly.
Everything was back to normal, untill I noticed that Swag Moeny was real. He was controlling my mind.
I knew it was you! you needed to track me didn't you?
I said
He said
Yes. you are regaining controll.
The... The... This ins't real...
You know it pal. Swag Money said. Corectly.
I quickly woke up in a room full of druggies.
Needles every where. gosh darn it, hewas the former leader of the _cant fall back into stiats...
I stopped getting up from the room.
I needed to fouces my energy on waking up from the visions. The ones I tell my friends...
I look up, and now im in a lunch room, with... friends?
Our human feelings stop us from sometimes being true friends. But with me...
Those aren't human feelings.
Alien to my body, my mind dictates the right and wrong.
but My mind falls back sometimes.
Into a world unknown to avagre human minds.
The things I hear here, I only say the tameist.
Im not human.
neither are anyof us.
We have are own worlds in our minds.
Our human minds are the real. They fouces on things that are important. I gotta get that book in the lib tomarrow.
But these worlds we enter though the mind,
are everything.
our darkest thoughts, and the most abursd things come from here.
This is our second mind.
but we can't say things from here. Here we can only think.
Thats because we think of this mind.
You can't have a second world in your mind. you might have modes,
but the part of this mind is truly unknown.
Not for me.
It seems I have a certain power to say these things.
I say I from District 9, and my name is Dignar,
but really, those are the thoughts unreachable to the agrage mind to say.
People think I have the most weird things to say,
but everyone has these thoughts.
but they only think it. Like I said, I fall back.
And when I fall back, I reach those minds. and I see all of them.
unthinkable things.
We have to use exaplmes from our world to understand think up new ideas and things.
but for me, the Alien we think is impossable, and unthinkable,
Is what I see everytime I fall.
Then It happens at the lunch table. I cant fall back into another hole. (AKA the madness that was the begging of this story) But One way to destory this trap, is to tell the Universe. I quickly shout...
LThe Airport is ariving at the gasous chemical that is your mom, please come this downward spiral of depresson.
My Friends laugh. or others laugh.
I laugh too. I escaped another mindtrap.
They tell me I have the...
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He got shot by the BGA man.
The bob page blues.